Monday, September 17, 2007

First Time Mother

Before you were born, I used to walk into your room at least 10 times a day. I would look into your crib and imagine what it would be like to have a “real baby” in there, along with the teddy bear and stuffed duck. I would open every drawer in your dresser, and fold and refold every diaper and tiny gown, wondering if all those ruffly things would look silly if you were a boy. I would sit in the rocking chair and imagine holding you and singing to you, and hearing you laugh and cry. I used to wonder if I’d be able to be a good mother, and your daddy wondered if you’d even like him…isn’t that silly?

Well, now that you are here, I still walk into your room at least 10 times a day. When I look into your crib, there is a real, precious baby girl in there now, sleeping so peacefully. Not wanting to wake you, I carefully open each dresser drawer, as I put away some freshly laundered clothes. Then I sit I the rocking chair for a moment’s rest from a busy day, and I wonder, “How did we ever get along without you?”

Thank you, Lord, for this precious gift you have bestowed upon us. Thank you for trusting us with the responsibility of being parents to this child. Please give us wisdom and patience and compassion as we try to raise her according to your will. In Jesus’ name, AMEN.

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