Friday, October 5, 2007

Student Teacher

I was a student teacher, awaiting the arrival of my college supervisor. My day was carefully planned, because my final grade depended on this evaluation. Even recess time included a group game, designed to show how well I could c ontrol this group of kindergarteners. The game was “Duck, Duck, Goose”, a modified game of tag. The “goose” is “it”, and all the children eagerly vied for this opportunity, stretching and waving their hands to get my attention.

As luck would have it, when my supervisor arrived, an especially anxious child was screeching, “Goose me, teacher, oh, please, goose me! I haven’t been goosed in over a week!” Rendered speechless, I lamely pointed to the child and continued on with the game.

I got an A in student teaching, and I always wondering if it was because of my special motivational techniques.

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