Saturday, November 10, 2007

An Alarming Situation

I worked part time in a bank for several months. A staff meeting was schedule on a day that I didn’t normally work. Since the bank would be closed, I decided to take my son along with me, so he could see where I worked.

After giving him a tour of the bank, I settled him into the employee lounge with books, paper, crayons, and money for the vending machines. I went out to the office area to attend the short meeting.

As the meeting was drawing to a close, the head teller’s eyes widened and she groaned, “Oh no! Someone has triggered the bank alarm system!” We all looked at each other, knowing none of us had done it. There was no one else in the bank – except one little boy who was minding his own business in the back room. He hadn’t even been out of his seat, except when he got up to turn on the light so he could read his book. That funny looking light switch didn’t the light on, though.

That funny light switch, of course, was not a light switch, but the burglar alarm. Big crocodile tears started to form in my son’s eyes when he realized what had happened. I hugged him and told him not to worry about it. At least we knew there weren’t any burglars trying to break into the bank!

My boss was good natured about it, and called the police to tell them it was a false alarm. Kevin and I went home and had a new adventure to describe at the dinner table that night.

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