Saturday, November 10, 2007

The Single Most Memorable Holiday I’ve Ever Had

I was finishing my senior year at the University of Maryland. I worked part time as a bank teller, and I was particularly pleased with myself for having accumulated enough money to buy presents for all my family in Texas. As Christmas time approached, I received a note from my parents, telling me how proud they were of me, for going to school, working, as well, and saving enough money to pay for my plane ticket home to San Antonio. WHAT!!! Wherever did they get the idea I was going to do that?! Should I actually use my savings to purchase the plane ticket, and then arrive without presents for anyone? A tearful phone call cleared up the misunderstanding. My dad sent me a ticket to come home.

I couldn’t want to get home! I had recently become engaged and was anxious to show off my beautiful diamond engagement ring. My flight was scheduled for Sunday evening. I awoke on Sunday morning to find that one of the tiny diamonds in my ring had fallen out. How could I show off a ring with one stone obviously missing? Fortunately, I was able to find the stone. And, because most stores are open on Sundays at Christmas time, I was able to take it to the jeweler’s and have it re-set. I could go home with confidence that my family would be suitably impressed by new ring.

Although it was wonderful to be with my family for the holidays, I don’t remember anything particularly significant about that week until my finally day there. I was dressed and ready to go to the airport, returning to college and my fiancé. I was pacing like a nervous cat, and my eyes were brimming with tears. My dad put his arm around me and said, “Let’s go! I know how anxious you are to get back with David.”

What I didn’t realize until I was on the airplane was that my anxiety did not stem from yearning to be with David, but, rather from the realization that I had just spent my last Christmas at home, as a child. Even if I could return the following year, it would be different. I’d reached a turning point in my life.

If only I could turn back the clocks and relive that holiday. I would have spent each moment more carefully. I would have savored each minute spent with those family members. I would have made it a point to thank each one, personally, for the things that make spending Christmas with them special to me. I would have given a lot more hugs.

Seventeen Christmases have passed since then, and only once have been able to re-join my family for this holiday. We never planned it to be like that, but sometimes that’s how life works out.

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