Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Answered Prayers

Late in the summer of 1988, my niece, Tiffany, came to live with us. Her parents were going to Japan, and she preferred to finish her last year of high school in the U.S., so we invited her to stay at our house.

Tiffany and her friend, Aaron, were driving down to Maryland from New Hampshire. Aaron was en route to Georgia, where his family had recently relocated. He planed to spend the night at our house, and then continue on to Georgia, after a good nights’ sleep.

Actually, they arrived at our house in the middle of our good nights’ sleep, at 4AM on a Sunday morning! They were exhausted from their long drive, so we didn’t awaken them when we left for church several hours later.

My children were filled with questions, during the drive to church, because they hadn’t had the chance to meet Aaron before we left home. I described him briefly, and then, dropped them off at Sunday School. I went on to church.

My youngest daughter’s teacher pulled me aside later to ask me about our new arrived houseguest. She was anxious to tell me that their whole Sunday school class had prayed for Tiffany’s friend, Aaron. I told her I was please to think that my six year old was concerned about Aaron driving safely on to Georgia. She gasped, and asked me how Aaron could possibly drive alone. I was puzzled. Why shouldn’t he, I wondered aloud? Well, Jessica had told her class that Aaron was blind! I couldn’t imagine how she got that idea, until I recalled my hurried description. I had said he was medium height, suntanned and blond!!! She obviously misunderstood me!

I don’t suppose the extra prayers did any harm. Aaron made his trip to Georgia without mishap.

1 comment:

lelle said...

Hey, did you mom date her journal entries? It would be fun to see what the date was when she was writing these near to the date you are typing them out and sharing them. Just a suggestion. . .as much as she wrote she must have used a journal and dated them, I hope. Another awesome story!