Sunday, November 11, 2007

Anchor’s Aweigh!

The North Carolina coast was beautiful! The sand was sparkling white. The water was warm, clear and green. The area we had chosen for our summer vacation was relatively undeveloped, uncrowded, peaceful and serene.

We were sharing a vacation house with another family. This particular day, the men and children had ventured out to water ski. The women stayed at home to relax, read and do needlework.

The men took turns driving the boat and water-skiing. Then, the two youngest passengers decided they’d prefer to dig in the sand, so my husband, Dave, took them ashore and stayed there to supervise them. Our friend, Scott, remained on the boat to teach the older children how to water ski.

After one unsuccessful attempt, the two line became entangled in the propeller. Dave shouted instructions to Scott from shore. Turn off the engine! Drop the anchor! Jump in the water and untangle the line!

Scott obediently followed all of Dave’s directions. Unfortunately, the anchor wasn’t tied to the boat. Realizing this, Dave dove into the water and frantically attempted to rescue the sinking anchor. Scott emerged from underwater having successfully disentangled the ski rope, but wondered why Dave was now in the water, too. Of course, they were unable to locate the anchor, so they gathered all their crew members and headed for home.

The song “Anchor’s Aweigh” has a new meaning in our family!

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