Sunday, November 4, 2007


Today I am having a brain tumor. Never mind the fact that my daughter is recovering from strep throat, and this throbbing in my neck may have something to do with that. I skip the small stuff and go right to the worst possible consequence.

The throbbing has spread down into my shoulder now. I’m sure if I took a couple of aspirin and laid down for a bit, I’d be just fine. Who has time for that??? Instead, my mind races. Maybe they’ll have to amputate my right arm. How am I going to change a diaper with only one hand? I guess I’d better get the baby potty trained, QUICK!

Why do I do this? Basically I am a well person. I have very few physical ailments…certainly nothing of a chronic nature, anyway. I rarely even get headaches. A bottle of aspirin probably lasts more than a year around here.

I think it’s a reaction to stress. When my life is particularly busy or hectic, and some minor ailment strikes…BINGO…it becomes major, in no time! Why is my family so unappreciative of all the wonderful things I do for them? How could they possibly function without my expert guidance, thought? Hey, wait a minute! I’m having a tough day. Could somebody take care of ME, pamper ME for just a little while?

Am I crazy?

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